Cine en cifras Version en español

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A project designed by Fedesarrollo for Proimágenes

2. Evolution of Colombian Film Industry

  • Attendance figures include films released in December 2016 that continued to be projected in 2017. Attendance at Colombian films decreased by 22.1%.

  • In 2017, 14.01% of the films released were Colombian.

  • The contribution of Colombian films to total attendance in 2017 was 5.95%.

  • The average price of a ticket in Colombia in 2017 was COP 8,706.

  • The average price of a ticket in Colombia in USD and adjusted to the CPI for the month of December and the benchmark exchange rate is around $3 USD.

  • 3D movies still top the list of movie theater admissions in Colombia.

  • The film El Paseo 4 was released on December 22, 2016, but the attendace figures reflect tickets sold in the first months of 2017.

  • Of these 19 films, 2 are documentaries (Amazona and Señorita María: Skirting the Mountain) and 1 is an animation film (Lila's Book).