Colombian-Argentinean producer and filmmaker. As producer of Walden Laboratories, she made From the River (2020) a Price Claus-Goethe Institute funded project on documentary filmmaking and environmental justice. As film director, Ezeiza (2013); 1982 (2015) award winner best documentary at Tripoli Film Festival and official selection at Malaga; Hamburg, Winterthur; Uppsala; Curta Cinema, Tampere, among other film festivals. Into Thin Air (2018), ABD-SP Best Latin- American short at São Paulo International Short Film Festival and selected at Ji.hlava IDFF; Aguilar; Curta Cinema, among other film festivals.
She is both member and cofounder of the cinematographic collective Gallito Films that has produced several experimental and documentary short films.

Documentary. 10 min. 2020

Latin-American Film Festivals