Maurício Chades is a visual artist and filmmaker from the Brazilian Northeast. He holds a Master’s Degree in Art and Technology and a Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual, both from the University of Brasilia (UnB). He is currently pursuing a MFA at the SAIC School of the Art Institute of Chicago, in the Film, Video, New Media and Animation department. Flows of materials, death rituals, speculative fiction, inter-species relations and territorial tensions are some themes his work, which takes different forms with each project - between film, installation, bio-art-and-technology and performance. He participated in group art exhibitions and exhibited films and videos in Brazilian and international festivals, such as: Mostra do Filme Livre, Brasília Festival of Brazilian Cinema, RECIFEST, International Cinema Journey of Bahia, FILE Electronic Language International Festival, Besides the Screen, Pune Film Festival, Bogotá Experimental and Sphere World Cinema Carnival. In 2019 he presented his first solo exhibition, Pirâmide, Urubu, at the Digital TV Tower in Brasília.

Experimental. 29 min. 2019

Potential co-producers in Brazil, Argentina or Mexico
Sales agents
Latin American festivals
LGTBIQ + festivals
Experimental film festivals