Voice Films is an independent film and audiovisual production company founded in Bogota in 2016. It works in the creation and production of author content for film, new media, virtual reality and animation. It has developed independent film products among which stand out La Jaula de los Pájaros (Honorable Mention at the International Independent Film Festival of Villa de Leyva, 2016) and Cuerpo Oscuro (Winner of the stimulus of the Colombian Film Development Fund, FDC-Proimágenes Colombia 2017). He is currently developing in co-production with Bossa Nova Films (, one of the largest production companies in Brazil, and Sendero Films, (, AR9-LAT, a project about Street Art in Latin America for Premium TV channels. In addition to a co-production with Sendero Films of the feature documentary Babylon, selected at DocLab 2018 (DocSp), Sao Paulo, Brazil and winner of the FICG award, production meeting of the Guadalajara International Film Festival. Participated, thanks to the FDC-Proimágenes Colombia 2018 and 2019 Automatic Funds, in the European Film Market, Berlinale, 2019 and the Marché Du Film, Cannes Film Festival.

Fiction 21 min. 2020

Potential co-producers in German-speaking countries and Ibero-America
Film festivals
Post-production Labs
Animation studios
Film Festivals