
We’ve compiled an extensive Colombian film industry database ready for consultation. You’ll find information on features and short films in every genre and stage of development, and you can check the data sheets, synopses, cast and crew, related news, clips, audio and trailers for Colombian films.



Director: Daniel Vega y Diego Vega

Perú, España, Colombia, Canadá, 2020

102 minutes - Ficción / Drama


In the early 90s, Roberto, an 18-year-old boy lost in life, leaves a violent Peru and travels to Montreal to join his father, Bob Montoya, an immigrant who fled from his country years ago and who now lives with his new Canadian family. With male pride, Bob strives to show his son his best version of the North American dream marked by his own prejud...
The plastic turtle

The plastic turtle

Director: Claudia Osejo, Miguel Gómez León


9 minutes - Animación / Animación, Animación 3D / Todas, Ficción / Aventure, Ficción / Fantasy


A turtle lives peacefully at the bottom of the sea, until an apparatus accident forces him to fight to survive and undergo the physical and environmental changes that human unconsciousness has produced....


Director: Pablo González

Colombia, 2019

88 minutes - Ficción / Acción, Ficción / Drama


Tras su salida de prisión, donde cumplió una condena de siete años por conducir su motocicleta en un robo fallido, Federico regresa a su decadente pueblo natal. Las cosas no han cambiado mucho: su madre lo adora, su padrastro desconfía de él y su hermano Ramiro sigue metido en negocios turbios. A pesar de sus esfu...